The Great Bay Area
Our schools are all located within the Great Bay Area (GBA). The Greater Bay Area initiative’s goal is ambitious: combining Hong Kong, Macau and the cities of Guangdong’s Pearl River Delta to create a region with the economic heft that is comparable to the San Francisco Bay Area, Greater New York and the Greater Tokyo Area. China’s transformation from an agricultural economy into a manufacturing powerhouse over the past few decades has been nothing short of phenomenal. The country is in the midst of another major shift towards a service- driven economy and nowhere is this truer than in the Pearl River Delta, where Shenzhen, for example, is one of the world’s leading high-tech innovation centres. For you it is a chance to be part of one of the fastest growing areas in the world and experience a unique culture.
The region is also at the heart of a network of supply chains that link Guangdong to the rest of the world and is able to draw on a strong manufacturing base. Last but not least, the region is also supported by Hong Kong’s world-class financial and professional services industries. If you have interests outside of your teaching profession we have a support team that would be glad to assist you.